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WIFM is currently seeking a Committee Chair

for the Marketing and Outreach committee


WIFM is looking for volunteers for the following committees:


  • Educational Event Planning

    • ​Help plan and organize our educational events​

  • Marketing & Outreach

    • Help with our marketing, newsletter, and website.​

  • Membership

    • Assist in managing our membership program​

  • Special Event Planning

    • Help plan and organize special events, such as mixers and networking events​

  • Volunteer Coordination

    • Help coordinate volunteers with the WIFM committee chairs

  • ​General Volunteers to help as needed

Email to get involved!

Women in Film and Media has a robust Volunteer Program where interested persons are provided the opportunity to contribute their skills to further WIFM’s mission. Volunteers may work with WIFM’s Executive Council and Committees throughout the year to organize its signature events and community outreach efforts, or join its Public Service Announcement Program to produce PSAs for non-profit organizations.


Volunteers have the opportunity to either mentor production crew and talent, or be mentored in their field of interest by Pittsburgh’s film and media professionals. Volunteers may also participate in community outreach under the supervision of Committee Chairs.

Interested in Volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering for Women In Film and Media, please send your resume and a brief note to let us know what area you would be interested in.   Volunteering is a great way to meet others, learn more about the industry and help others. Our PSA Program gives you hands-on experience with Pittsburgh professionals in film and television. 


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Volunteers Needed


Women In Film and Media (WIFM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization currently looking for volunteers for several committees and upcoming events.  WIFM creates a meaningful learning and networking experience for volunteers. Volunteers are urged to familiarize themselves with WIFM’s mission and organizational goals to ensure a mutually beneficial association.

Volunteer opportunities are available in the following committees and programs:

  • Events and Programming

    • Report directly to the Events / Program chair

    • Assist with planning the events / programs as needed.

    • Making phone calls to vendors and suppliers for product such as food, raffle items, contributions etc.

    • Making phone calls to confirm venue, speaker arrangements, food preparation, etc.

    • Work on preparing raffle items, silent auction items, sign in sheets, attendance, etc.

    • Attending the events and working with attendees and speakers.

    • Assisting with promoting WIFM at all events

  • Membership

    • Report directly to the Membership chair

    • Assist with recruiting new members and maintaining the current members as directed by the Membership chair

    • Making phone calls to members for renewals and/or new membership

    • Working on member recruitment events

    • Working on developing resources for members to attract new and maintain current members.

  • Public Service Announcement Program

    • Professional filmmakers to serve as mentors

    • Production crew: mentees

    • Assistants and coordinators

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